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Please enter your data for registration. You will receive your confirmation after a check. This can take up to 24 hours. Thank you for your understanding.


Data protection declaration of consent to the creation and publication of image recordings

I consent to the production and publication of photographs by the Community for Defence Innovation e.V., which are taken during the "Munich Security Breakfast" event for the purpose of audio-visual documentation of the event and for reporting on it and on which I am depicted and recognisable. This consent includes the publication of the image recordings in online media such as on the Community for Defence Innovation e.V. websites and the Community for Defence Innovation e.V.'s presence on social networks (XING, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) and the associated transfer of personal data to the USA, which does not have a level of data protection comparable to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in case of doubt has a lower level of data protection. If the image data is used in accordance with this declaration of consent, I will not make any claims for fees.

I am aware that this consent is voluntary. I can refuse it without giving reasons and without having to fear any disadvantages as a result. I can also revoke this consent at any time without giving reasons with effect for the future by post to Community for Defence Innovation e.V., c/o Maxwork 45, Maximilianstrasse 45, 80538 Munich or by e-mail to The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Registration for participation in the Munich Security Breakfast on 15 February 2024.

if you still have an invitation, please send us an

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